‘Geography is one of the key facilitating subjects for entry to degree level study’ |
Powerful Knowledge |
Powerful knowledge at KS5 Geography provides reliable explanations or new ways of thinking about the world, extended beyond current experiences in order to envisage alternatives. At KS5 students are taught natural and social phenomena from both the past and present, both intertwined. Students learn about places, events, processes and beliefs that take them beyond their everyday experiences. Students are empowered to envisage alternative futures, both for themselves and for the world. Powerful knowledge at KS5 will encompass climate change, mitigation, sustainability, urbanisation, globalisation, risk and vulnerability, development and spatial disruption. Geography provides enquiry based learning where stakeholders and players are interlinking. Students will use the geographical skills taught throughout KS3 and KS4 and apply these to the new, powerful knowledge being introduced. |
Literacy |
Literacy is embedded into KS5 through extended reading in class, this is practiced through articles written by the subject teachers. Articles highlight subject specific vocabulary for comprehension and teachers provide visual prompts of this vocabulary on the board, pausing at suitable and relevant moments and acting as a learning journey complimenting the text. Students are encouraged and set wider reading in their own independent study time that relates to the topics being studied, the library in school is currently being stocked with new updated materials for students to access in their studies and a regular subscription to a geographical magazine. Students are provided with an extended reading list at the start of Y12 and are prompted to refer back to this at suitable times in the course. Extended writing compliments the reading tasks and assesses understanding of the content. Extended writing tasks will be supported with a vocabulary grid, highlighting tier 1 (everyday), 2 (school wide) and 3 (subject specific) vocabulary and structure strips where necessary. This tiered approach to vocabulary also allows for cross curricular links. Essay writing forms part of the schemes in KS5 Geography and teachers set essays to assess students knowledge and understanding, whilst allowing for practice in extended exam style. Essays are discussed and modelled in class so students can see best practice and live feedback can be given. Teachers will deep mark SPaG in essays to allow for literacy to be corrected. Students work towards a NEA piece of coursework throughout the A Level and this requires students to complete research around an area of interest. Students have to write a written report of between 3000-4000 words. Students complete this report in sections and are trained to write to this length through essay practice. |
School Context |
The Geography A level course lends well to a local and global context. Students undertake four days of fieldwork throughout the course. One of these days is spent in Stowmarket and focuses on the regeneration of their local town centre, the issues of deprivation and promoting place and identity. Students underpin what gives Suffolk its identity and consider their role to their local area. Students then have the opportunity to compare their local identities with other places in the world, within a global context. Fieldwork is also undertaken in Felixstowe where students can see the natural processes affecting the eastern coastline, applying what they learn in the classroom to real-life situations. Suffolk is a heritage coast so students have the opportunity to problem solve and provide sustainable solutions to the current threats facing our physical landscape. Students will also undertake investigation in the Ipswich Dock regeneration. |
Assessment |
Students are regularly assessed in line with the school-wide policy. Teachers will mark students' work once a half term and a summative piece of assessment will be carried out termly. Teachers use assessment in a SMART way to feedback and address misconceptions. Teachers will live models in class and ‘show off’ students' work. Because the classes are smaller, teachers are able to provide clear, tailored feedback in a timely manner. Students are regularly quizzed, usually at the start of lessons, this provides retrieval and spaced practice across their course, ensuring time is provided to revisit content so that it is retained long term. Knowledge quizzes are another way that the class teacher will formatively assess students. These knowledge quizzes will be embedded into schemes of learning. A mock takes place in both Y12 and Y13 and these examinations provide the student and teacher with a basis for intervention. |
Careers |
It has been noted by some of the top universities recently that Geography graduates are some of the most employable of the bunch. As a result careers are widely promoted throughout KS5 Geography. Teachers signpost to different careers through lesson content where appropriate, for example disaster management and engineering. What’s more the department is currently developing a careers display that will feature future employment opportunities. Links are made with universities and students are invited to attend ‘experience days’ to promote the further study of geography at degree level. |