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John Milton Academy Trust

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Early Help Offer

At Stowupland High School we recognise the importance of early help to offer support to meet the needs of students.

Early Help is everyone’s responsibility: together we will make sure that children, young people and their families are safe, happy and ready for school, work and life’s challenges.

Early Help means better outcomes for children and families.  Effective Early Help will resolve problems before they become overwhelming and require reactive services.  Early Help enables children to be ready for school and more likely to achieve their full potential.  Stowupland High School offers comprehensive support and guidance, to ensure that the personal wellbeing of our students is catered for, and that barriers to learning can be removed.

We recognise the importance of working with families in supporting young people and the importance of listening to the voice of the child in all that we do.


Early Help Intervention

Year Group/ Target Group

Summary of intervention

Form Tutor


All students have an allocated form tutor who they see on a daily basis. This is their first point of contact for any issues, and parents also have email access to their child’s tutor, In addition, there are scheduled parental meetings, 3 times per year, but parents are encouraged to liaise more regularly as required. Tutors are responsible for overseeing the academic and pastoral wellbeing of their group, and liaising with other staff within the school as required to ensure that the appropriate support is in place as soon as a need is identified.

Progress Leader (PL)


All students have an allocated PL who can work with students on ensuring that provision is in place to make the best academic progress, including supporting the student to access other help if needed.

Progress leader will also work closely with the APL team to ensure that the schools values and ethos are upheld by students and hold them accountable at times when high expectations are not met.

Parents have access to the contact details for their Progress Lead to open up lines of communication to build an effective support network around the all students.

Assistant Progress Lead (APL)


All students are able to ask to see an APL who are a key part of our progress team and are safeguarding trained. They help to manage behaviour, support with incidents and concerns as well as mentor students.

Peer Mentor


Individual 1:1 mentoring support is available to support any student identified as benefiting from this service.

Our peer mentors are predominately Sxith form students who have been suitably trained to work with their peers.

School Nursing Team


School nurses available on a referral basis to see students with medical or wellbeing needs who either self-refer or are referred by the student support team.

Mental Health Support Team (MHST)


External referrals for group work, counselling and other activities. Ipswich based.

The MHST regularly base themselves in the school, working with students and allowing staff to refer cases where support may be needed.

Cases will not be discussed without parental consent.

Specialist Education Service

Yr 7-11

This core service encompasses specialist services across the 4 broad areas of SEND need, along with Whole School Inclusion and the Alternative Tuition Service.

There services focus on:

  • Cognition & Learning (C&L) Service
  • Communication & Interaction (C&I) Service
  • Education Access Team
  • Sensory & Physical (S&P) Service
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) Service
  • Whole School Inclusion (WSI) Service

There is a centralised referral process, and forms part of all school’s graduated response to identifying and supporting student needs.

Personalised Timetable


Students who have particular medical needs, whether this is linked to physical or mental health, may be offered a bespoke timetable in conjunction with advice from their hospital consultant.

The offer of such personalised timetables are on a case-by-case basis and will be agreed with the view of returning to full time education over a short period of time (6 weeks).

This is coordinated by the Deputy Headteacher for Student Support, and involves fortnightly reviews with the student and family.

Kooth Online Wellbeing Support

All is an online wellbeing service, run in partnership with the NHS and recognised by the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy), and students can be referred to access support here after assessment by a learning mentor.

Emotional Wellbeing Gateway




The Emotional Wellbeing Gateway website provides families with practical advice and guidance on common mental health issues, such as anxiety, stress, depression, eating disorders and self-harm.  Visit


The Source


The Source website is aimed at supporting all students.  This website covers just about any issue a young person growing up could encounter and offers information and guidance as well as equipping them with the tools to manage their own wellbeing.  An online 4YP counsellor “Ask the Expert” is also available Monday – Wednesday 5.00pm-7.00pm

Friendship club


A quiet place where students can come to have their lunch away from main areas; some of the students that attend benefit from social interaction and also being able to complete homework when they are unable to do so at home.

Library club


Students are able to access the Library at lunchtime. This allows them to complete homework tasks, read, socialise in a quieter environment, access IT and alternative activities.

Literacy Intervention


Targeting the students with the lowest literacy attainment, students work to focus on reading confidence, comprehension, spelling, grammar and punctuation. The aim of this is to remove barriers to them being able to access learning throughout the school.

Issuing of laptops


Individual support for pupil premium students to remove barriers to learning and to support evidence for a normal way of working when considering access arrangements for exams.

External Agency Support


The school work closely with external agencies to access additional support where appropriate, for example, behaviour support, CAF/TAC, family support workers, social workers, Triple P Parenting programme, local police and PCSO.

Careers Advisor


Specialist careers practitioner available to discuss future career pathways, further or higher educational provision, work experience and employability skills. Bespoke advice and guidance on interview skills and employer/educational workshops targeting a wide variety of careers and labour market information. 

Enrichment Programme


An extensive enrichment programme is offered to support student wellbeing and development. This includes extra curricular clubs, trips and visits as well as subject specific intervention for target students.

The Mix - Stowmarket


Offer a different learning environment from mainstream for those who need it. They have bespoke learning spaces within The Mix, as well as all the facilities on hand that The Mix and local community have to offer. They help to generate young people who are resilient and will bring hope and leadership to their lives and others.